Welcome to Eating Science with me, Dr Federica Amati.

Hello! Thank you for being here. I’m Federica Amati, a Medical Scientist (PhD) and Public Health Nutritionist (MPH ANutr) with a passion for communicating evidence-based science in a practical and clear way. You may have read some of my words in one of my books, press articles, heard me speak on a podcast, follow me on social media or seen me talk at an event - or you might be here completely by surprise, thanks to curiosity or a fellow Substacker recommendation.

Whichever way you found me, I’m so glad you’re here. I joined Substack right at the beginning, when

announced she was taking the helm and I’ve been looking forward to carving out some time to do some writing specifically for this space.

My words here are independent of my work at Imperial College London, ZOE, the personalised health company, or my work for the NNedPro Global Institute. They are inspired by my writing process for my books, and by the work I do with people from all of these wonderful organisations, as well as by my Nutrition clients, who are a fountain of constant inspiration for me.

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The majority of my work involves writing, presenting and teaching about science. I really wanted a place to discuss some of the breakthroughs, controversies, and ideas with like-minded interested people. Because I love what I do, and I love writing about all sorts of things related to medical science, nutrition and health, I also love that Substack has no editors, algorithms or deadlines.

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Thank you for your precious time,

Fede x

Subscribe to Eating Science with Dr Fede

A newsletter about science, food, and the science of how food impacts our health.


Medical scientist, Public Health Nutritionist, and Nutrition Lead educator at Imperial College London and ZOE. Author, speaker, spokesperson. Italian, mother of girls, and eternal optimist.